In this post, I'll write about Baskin Robbins Flavor Election. This is something that is very unexpected but it was fun. Time on the way cari jalan nak ke Publika ni, hujan pulak. So, rasa macam tak dapat je jumpa Publika tu kat mana. Dah lah boleh sesat pulak tu. Aishhhh.
Date: 23rd November 2012
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: The Square, Publika
Publika, Dutamas.
Pujuk punya pujuk, dapat jugak ajak my sistahh pergi Publika ni. Even tak tau jalan pun. Semangat tak semangat lah kan, sampai search google maps okay. Ni semua sebab Nuffnang invites me to Baskin Robbins Event. Serious tak percaya dapat invitation. Ingat main main je time hantar kat Nuffnang tu. Tup tupp, dapat kau. Haaaa, siapa nak hantar aku pergi Publika. Dahh lah jauh nunnn kat Jalan Duta. Hahah. Sampai sesat lah ke Solaris. Buat lawak je. Disebabkan dia suruh aku bawah seorang partner. So, aku bawak my lovely sistahh because she can drive. So, as the replacement. I gave her the place as my partner lah kan. Dah dia yang bawak aku :')
The picture above was taken when we're on our ways to the parking lot. Well, it's beautiful kan? Aku tak tau apa ke namanya bangunan ni. Macam masjid kot. Iye kot. HAHA. One day aku nak pergi tengok lah. Nanti kalau Nuffnang buat event kat sini lagi, aku akan search apakah tempat itu. Hik hik. Okay, yang bawah ni picture time aku tengah tunggu registration for the event. So, lepak bawah dulu sebab kat tempat event tu no malay okay. So macam malu sikit. Takut pun ada sebenarnya. Apa yang aku takut pun aku tak tau. Keh keh keh.
Balik pada cerita kerusi ni. Haha. Pelik kan kerusi ni \(-.-)/ . Nampak macam kayu kan, sebenarnya kotak tau tak.. dia susun rapat rapat. So that's why dia kukuh. Amoi and aunt ni pelik tengok kerusi tu. Me and my sis duduk kat kerusi lagi satu tersengih sengih je tengok mereka mereka ni. Lawak boleh tp aku curi curi snap picture *bajet main hanpon -.-''
The Registration.
Registration tu start at 7 P.M and they gave both us t-shirts each one. Kteorang dapat black colour. Tak kesah lah janji boleh pakai kan. Hahaha. Lepas pakai t-shirt tu baru boleh makan ice cream NON-STOP tau tak. Makan lah berapa banyak pun. Dia macam buffet lah lebih kurang, but for those yang pakai baju BR je. Best gila lah!! Before event tu start aku macam takut jugak, malu pun ada sebab mostly chinese yang ramai kot. Malay boleh kira guna cari je, dalam 10 orang macam tu lah. Tapi diorang ni nice and friendly lah. Takder sombong sombong. Tulah bagus! :D Takder lah rasa macam, "alahaiii kesiannya aku".
me with the mascot.
you can eat the ice cream as many as you want!
The empty stage :)
There are the crowds, tengok lah sendiri. Ramai kan. Haha. It's very happening uolls. Well, bawah ni pulak. The first picture, time tengah bagi quizzes. Then, yang second and so on tu all the bloggers gave out their point on what people can get bila kami kami ni vote diorang. Macam pilihan raya lah. Haha. A lady with black t-shirt on the right of the picture is Vivy Yusof , 3 other chinese blogger and yang 3 orang kat kiri tu wakil Hanis Zalikha. She's on flight back to KL. So tak sempat nak sampai and join event. Me is sooo sadd :'(
Then, pictures bawah ni pulak. It's a competition between the bloggers. Diorang kena makan ice cream tu sampai habis. Hahaha. Yang ni paling lawak gila. There are too many cups of ice creams okay. Boleh beku lidah weyy. Aku makan 2 cups pun dah kenyang. Ini kan lebih 10 cups. WOAHH ! :O
And here the winner for the ice cream freeze competition. Haha. Aku lupa nama dia. Ahaks. Sorry meehhh :'D Lepas diorang habis game yang ni, aku terpaksa balik sebab jam kat phone aku dah pukul 9.30 PM. Sedih jugak nak balik sebab tak dapat tengok sampai habis and aku tak tau siapa menang election tu. HAHA. Lagipun aku duduk Seremban kot and bukan aku yang driving but my sistahh. Kesian pulak dia tapi aku puas hati dapat pergi. Please do invite me anytime okay :')
And btw aku baru tau, Vivy Yusof won that election and uolls boleh pergi BR beli and she saids, HIHI. " the whole Malaysia gets a Free Upsize of ice cream in 2013 "